Kenny Werner: World Class Pianist / Composer

From his tours with Jazz master Toots Thielemans to his groundbreaking book, 'Effortless Mastery' taught at the Berklee School of Music, Kenny Werner brings complexity and the street to composing and creativity. This hour long musical deep dive also showcases 2 exclusives - Kenny's arrangement of Tom's 'Take It With Me' for Broadway Legend Betty Buckley, live with the Seattle Symphony and a song from his new upcoming CD, ''Christmas Day Is Almost Here... Again.'' Feel the love, folks: Happy Blue Valentines!

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Groundhog Day: German Weasels & Whistle Pigs

Move over, Bill Murray...Whistle Pigs are the new Wood Chucks. Punxsutawney Phil ain't got nothin' on me! This is our homage to a classic holiday movie. We know what you're thinking, folks! What's this got to do with Tom Waits? It's the same. It's the same. Start the Party! Again.


MLK Day: Change Must Come From Within

In celebration of Dr. King's birthday we paid tribute by reflecting on many of his great sayings and his final message - to serve with "a heart full of grace, and a soul generated by love". With a few of Tom's great songs dealing with the devil, love and houses to bless our journey on this great day. RIP Ralph Carney. 


Over The Influence: Music That Inspired Tom Waits

From Frank Sinatra & Captain Beefheart to Little Richard, Harry Partch, & The Texas Czech Bohemian-Moravian Bands, Tom's musical influences are wondrous, wild, wide...and deep. We're talking a virtual beyond-the-chromatic-scale smorgasbord including GATMO, The Rolling Stones, & Altar Boy. Folks, your table is ready!

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Goodbye 2017: Grand Recantation & Salutations

Our bonus mini-episode brings you the must-have final retractions and corrections of the year, and that's the end of that. Enjoy, feel the love, and Happy New Year!

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Tim Scherman: Pounding Post Modernism Into A Thinking Man's Floor

Bill, James and Cheryl continue Eluding the Authorities, this time with the distinguished author Dr. Tim Scherman who penned that brilliant essay. What's he building in there ain't just literature, folks. Not only has Tim used his mind to deconstruct the culture surrounding Tom Waits word by word, he's also used his hands to reconstruct his entire house board by board. Elizabeth Oakes Smith, P.T. Barnum, and Bob Frost are throwing confetti from their graves!

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Goin' Home: Rain Dog & Pony Shows With Jumping Wolf Spiders

Once again without a net, Bill & James dive down a strange rabbit hole filled with 4-8 legged creatures, which as you'd expect, inspires a deep exploration into the music that informed their world outlook. That's right, this is the episode that explains everything but clears up nothing...except The Great Companion. Oh, and once again featuring  "Retractions and Corrections" for your listening pleasure. That's a wrap, folks!


Bruce Barton: Never Throw Rocks At Strangers

Hail, Hail the gang's all here. That's right, folks, it's the World Emergency Circus 2.0. In the center ring in all of his glory we finally present our fashion fangod hailing from a stone's throw from the Big Muddy: Bruce Barton! For you theatre, cabaret, and LGBTQ aficionados, this episode has it all, believe you we...Bette Midler, Crystal Gayle, Lily Tomlin, and a fish in the pants. Feel the confetti!


Whole Hog: Gratitude Attitude And Triskaidekaphobia

Happy Thanksgiving folks! Bill, James and Cheryl move a couple rungs up the spiral as they begin Season 2 and explore beginnings, family, culinary celebration, the Nobel prize and of course, the perfect Tom Waits Thanksgiving songs.

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