
Over The Influence: Music That Inspired Tom Waits

From Frank Sinatra & Captain Beefheart to Little Richard, Harry Partch, & The Texas Czech Bohemian-Moravian Bands, Tom's musical influences are wondrous, wild, wide...and deep. We're talking a virtual beyond-the-chromatic-scale smorgasbord including GATMO, The Rolling Stones, & Altar Boy. Folks, your table is ready!

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Zeitgeist: Monkeys With Money 'N Guns Devouring Breakfast Cereal

The erudite Cheryl King joins us for a deep dive, this time plunging into a brilliant essay, "Eluding The Authorities" by Tim Scherman on A well intentioned but half-baked, feckless, fumbling conversation ensues about the author's mind-bending examination of the positive effect left behind by Tom Waits' music.

Illustration by Peter Ferguson