John Lennon

MLK Day: Change Must Come From Within

In celebration of Dr. King's birthday we paid tribute by reflecting on many of his great sayings and his final message - to serve with "a heart full of grace, and a soul generated by love". With a few of Tom's great songs dealing with the devil, love and houses to bless our journey on this great day. RIP Ralph Carney. 


Goin' Home: Rain Dog & Pony Shows With Jumping Wolf Spiders

Once again without a net, Bill & James dive down a strange rabbit hole filled with 4-8 legged creatures, which as you'd expect, inspires a deep exploration into the music that informed their world outlook. That's right, this is the episode that explains everything but clears up nothing...except The Great Companion. Oh, and once again featuring  "Retractions and Corrections" for your listening pleasure. That's a wrap, folks!


Shane Conroy: Waltzing Matilda Down Mexico Way

Australian artist Shane Conroy tells his wild tale of attending the same tour in Melbourne and provides a bit of fascinating history on Waltzing Matilda. With a surprise cameo from fashion guest Tad Gunn, and more on how the podcast was inspired by a chance encounter with W. Kamau Bell of CNN's hit show, United Shades of America.