
Groundhog Day: German Weasels & Whistle Pigs

Move over, Bill Murray...Whistle Pigs are the new Wood Chucks. Punxsutawney Phil ain't got nothin' on me! This is our homage to a classic holiday movie. We know what you're thinking, folks! What's this got to do with Tom Waits? It's the same. It's the same. Start the Party! Again.


Shane Conroy: Waltzing Matilda Down Mexico Way

Australian artist Shane Conroy tells his wild tale of attending the same tour in Melbourne and provides a bit of fascinating history on Waltzing Matilda. With a surprise cameo from fashion guest Tad Gunn, and more on how the podcast was inspired by a chance encounter with W. Kamau Bell of CNN's hit show, United Shades of America.