Robert Redford

Goin' Home: Rain Dog & Pony Shows With Jumping Wolf Spiders

Once again without a net, Bill & James dive down a strange rabbit hole filled with 4-8 legged creatures, which as you'd expect, inspires a deep exploration into the music that informed their world outlook. That's right, this is the episode that explains everything but clears up nothing...except The Great Companion. Oh, and once again featuring  "Retractions and Corrections" for your listening pleasure. That's a wrap, folks!


Bruce Barton: Never Throw Rocks At Strangers

Hail, Hail the gang's all here. That's right, folks, it's the World Emergency Circus 2.0. In the center ring in all of his glory we finally present our fashion fangod hailing from a stone's throw from the Big Muddy: Bruce Barton! For you theatre, cabaret, and LGBTQ aficionados, this episode has it all, believe you we...Bette Midler, Crystal Gayle, Lily Tomlin, and a fish in the pants. Feel the confetti!
