Tim Scherman: Pounding Post Modernism Into A Thinking Man's Floor

Bill, James and Cheryl continue Eluding the Authorities, this time with the distinguished author Dr. Tim Scherman who penned that brilliant essay. What's he building in there ain't just literature, folks. Not only has Tim used his mind to deconstruct the culture surrounding Tom Waits word by word, he's also used his hands to reconstruct his entire house board by board. Elizabeth Oakes Smith, P.T. Barnum, and Bob Frost are throwing confetti from their graves!

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Bruce Barton: Never Throw Rocks At Strangers

Hail, Hail the gang's all here. That's right, folks, it's the World Emergency Circus 2.0. In the center ring in all of his glory we finally present our fashion fangod hailing from a stone's throw from the Big Muddy: Bruce Barton! For you theatre, cabaret, and LGBTQ aficionados, this episode has it all, believe you we...Bette Midler, Crystal Gayle, Lily Tomlin, and a fish in the pants. Feel the confetti!
