Unrequited Love: Orange Barrel, Black Oak Arkansas And Getting Dumped At The Airport

The Dream Regime is back after an unexpected 6 month hiatus with this last recording we did in June of 2022. This time around we tripped fantastic on the familiar topic of unrequited love, sharing stories of our own heart breaks and listening to some appropriate tunes from Tom. With Dead and Lovely, Black Wings, Black Rider and a surprise segment from the documentary on avante garde theater director, Robert Wilson. Feel the love, Folks!

Classic Confetti: Tom Terrific, Gilbert Gottfried, And Lucky Day Playing From My Tombstone

This one's for all our die-hard Tom Wait's fans out there with the classic Dream Regime Lineup picking a favorite song from each decade and expounding on the effect Tom has had on our lives. Leaving a place in our hearts and feeling the gratitude to be walking on the same planet as our Muse, Bill also reads a very moving share from a Trucker fan posted on the Tom Waits Fan Page. Feel the Love, Folks!

Anxiety Attack: Repercussions, Scuba Thing In My Mouth And Ice Has Been Discontinued

The dream regime is back at it, this time delving into the bottom of anxiety, fear and the opposites - Trust and the holy now rodeo. Including a few hilarious panic attack tales, a recap of the origins of the podcast and an outstanding cover of "In the Neighborhood" by Peter Gabriel. It's another fun hour of delirious conversation on the music of Tom Waits & Kathleen Brennan we so love!

The Kraken Man Can: Taphephobia, Halloween Santa, And Whistlin' Past The Graveyard

Happy Halloween and dia de los muertos folks! After a long break the Dream Regime plus Mr. Very Young and Very Cool return to dive back into the love, the laughter, the tragedy and the poignant deliciousness of Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennans' all hallowed eves repertoire. Sharing childhood Trick or Treat memories this one's also a tribute to James' Mom (RIP) who recently left to join the majority. Death, Love, and Rebirth has nothing on us. Feel the love folks!

Conundrum: Lies, Odd Jobs And The Coolness Factor

We start Season 8 with the Dream Machine +1 as Bob, our new regular from Chicago and the creator of Waits Waits Don't Tom Me, joins us for a robust discussion about the discombobulated conundrums that surround Tom Waits. We're talking the Trolley Dilemma, Beat Poets, Anthems, Characters in Danger, Jobs I never thought I'd have as a child, "Jitterbug Boy", "Face To The Highway", Dead Heads, Parrot Heads, Confetti Heads and looking good without a shirt. Start the Party!

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Quintessential Tom: Dalí, Quint Eastwood, and Schrödinger's Cat

After a 3 month long hiatus, the Dream Team emerges rested and ready to tackle all things quintessentially Tom and leap into the work of Salvador Dalí, Pythagorus, Aristotle, Schrödinger's Cat and what it's like to be Big in Japan. In the end, they discover nobody loves Nighthawks at the Diner more than Cheryl, and play that classic cut to prove it, along with a cover of Come On Up To The House, Big In Japan, You Can Never Hold Back Spring and Flash Pan Hunter. Feel the Love, folks!

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